Test Your Setup - EDDYS WORLD

This is a FREE 18-minute short film for SFJFF41 patrons to view and test streaming setup before the start of SFJFF41. Please visit the FAQ  for assistance or issues.

EDDY’S WORLD tells the entertaining story of Eddy Goldfarb, a 98-year-old working toy inventor, best known for the iconic Yakity Yak Teeth and nearly 800 classic toys. He designed his first toys while on submarine duty during WWII, launching his 80 year career as an independent toy inventor. These days, Eddy prototypes new toys in his garage machine shop, creates translucent lithophane portraits on his 3D printer, and writes 100-word stories. Optimistic and curious, Eddy is an endearing storyteller who brings us into his world of inventions and ideas.

Special thanks to filmmaker Lyn Goldfarb


Thursday July 15, 2021
9:00 a.m.
Click Here For Free Ticket to Test Your Stream
Running Time
Print Source
lyn@eddysworld.net | www.eddysworld. net | 323 669-1106