Who Gets to Play Anne Frank?: A Conversation about Race and Casting in the Short Film Anne

Over the past year, we’ve witnessed controversy emerge over the casting of non-Jewish actors as Jewish characters. The thought-provoking short film Anne explores Jewish identity and casting when two actresses, one Black and one white, audition to play the role of Anne Frank, prompting the debate: who is best suited for the role? Rather than provide simple solutions, this film and our online panel are set up to invite the audience to take a deeper look into these complex issues and practice holding multiple truths.

Featuring: Rebecca Pierce, JFI Marketing & Communications Manager; Yitz (Y-Love) Jordan, Moderator; Desirée Abeyta, director, Anne; and Adi Eshman, screenwriter, Anne.


Monday August 1, 2022
12:01 a.m.
Free Tickets