Full Description
This imaginative animated film captures the haunting, surreal world of a child who survived Teresienstadt thanks to her resourceful grandmother. 1998 New Directors, New Films; 1999 San Francisco International Film Festival.
Filmmaker Bio(s)
Orly Yadin was born in Israel and has been living in London since 1977. She studied in Paris and Brown University, Rhode Island, and graduated in French and English language and literature before pursuing film studies in Jerusalem and London. Orly started working in television in the documentary field, especially historical documentaries, drawing extensively on archival material. Since 1986 she has produced animation films as well as documentary programmes.
Sylvie Bringas was born in France and has been living in London since 1989. She got a First Degree Visual Arts in France and then proceeded to get a B.A. in Animation in England. Sylvie worked as a freelancer in multimedia on various productions and still teaches animation part-time at West Surrey College of Art & Design.
In 1995 Orly Yadin and Sylvie Bringas founded Halo Productions - an independent production company., Orly Yadin was born in Israel and has been living in London since 1977. She studied in Paris and Brown University, Rhode Island, and graduated in French and English language and literature before pursuing film studies in Jerusalem and London. Orly started working in television in the documentary field, especially historical documentaries, drawing extensively on archival material. Since 1986 she has produced animation films as well as documentary programmes.