Return to Vienna

This is the personal history of Franz Weintraub, a Jew who, at age fourteen, leaves Germany for the Jewish district of Leopoldstadt, Vienna, or "Matzoh Island," where he lives from 1924-1934. With poignancy and humor Weintraub recalls his first impressions as a youth, his drift away from Jewish tradition, and his political involvement with the Labor movement in "Red Vienna."
Ruth Beckermann - short biography Born in Vienna. 1977 doctor's degree at the University of Vienna. Editor for various journals. Founding of the film distribution "filmladen." Works as author and film director. Books: DIE MAZZESINSEL. Juden in der Wiener Leopoldstadt 1918-38; Wien 1984. UNZUGEHÖRIG. Österreicher und Juden seit 1945; Wien 1989. OHNE UNTERTITEL. Fragmente einer Geschichte des Kinos in Österreich (co-edited with Christa Blümlinger); Wien 1996. JENSEITS DES KRIEGES. Ehemalige Wehrmachtsoldaten erinnern sich; Wien 1998. Films (selection): RETURN TO VIENNA (1984) THE PAPER BRIDGE (1987) TOWARDS JERUSALEM (1990) EAST OF WAR (1996) A FLEETING PASSAGE TO THE ORIENT (1999) HOMEMAD(E) (2001)
w/English Subtitle
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