My Father and Me

For decades among the foremost names in documentary, Nick Broomfield (Kurt and Courtney; Biggie and Tupac; Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer) has often implicated himself in the filmmaking process, with honesty and candor. Yet never has he made a movie more distinctly personal than this complex and moving film about his relationship with his humanist-pacifist father, Maurice Broomfield. A factory worker turned photographer of vivid, often lustrous images of industrial post-WWII England, Maurice's sublime and meticulously crafted photos would inspire Nick’s own filmmaking career, but also speak to a difference in outlook between father and son whose less romantic, more left-wing political identity stemmed from his Jewish mother Sonya's side. Both memoir and tribute, My Father and Me is an intimate story of one family, that also takes an expansive, philosophical look at the twentieth century itself.

NOTE: This film is avialable nationwide

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Kyle Gibbon